Program Archives

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Roll Your Tongue, Then Gimme Some Plastic Love

Seiko Oomori feels the chip inside her body.

Vin CYCLONE's Tokyo Triple serves three or more Japanese platters like a meal at a tachigui standing-restaurant in Japan. You get what you came for. When you're done, you got a head start out the door. 

This week's Tokyo Triple features a brand new release from cutting-edge idol, Seiko Oomori, who says, "I'm falling so fast into the night, I want to feel all your shame...." Hear that, Otoku? There's hope! 

All the artists, in order of appearance:

Thee Michelle Gun Elephant (TMGE)



Seiko Oomori
Mariya Takeuchi

The Tokyo Triple is a feature of Vin CYCLONE's POWER HOUR on the KILLERWATT.

1 comment:

  1. Retro.Scottso@aol.comJanuary 1, 2021 at 1:34 PM

    All of these are great, but Thee Machine Gun Elephant really gets me... I may have to research their catalog and add them to the Scottso show.
