Sunday, September 26, 2021

SYNTH Division Debuts, Afterparty at Danceteria

Put your Nakamichi on auto-flip and tape all of Gayle's SYNTH Division, KLW's newest.

Tonight, the KILLERWATT's SYNTH Division premieres, featuring our newest top jockey, Gayle, who said: "I will dominate NYC's airwaves like a giant flaming LinnDrum hurtling through the atmosphere above Signal Hill, Brooklyn."¹  

Chief Engineer Sid Walker took that as a heads-up. He's maintaining watch at the transmitter site ready to crank the Watts if necessary. No doubt, it will be. 

Hear Ministry, Special Affect, Fad Gadget, Depeche Mode, My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, Martin Dupont, ACTORS, Vandal Moon Riki, Pixel Grip and many more....

Send requests to Gayle for SYNTH Division in the comments below. 

Interested in joining the KILLERWATT's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

¹Warbler, Benjamin. "KLW's Gayle Synthesizes Top Ratings." "Nielsen Audio Roundup." Crashbox, 9/26/21, p. 7.  

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Vin's Capsule Flat Ain't For Sleeping

KILLERWATT's Vin CYCLONE at his alternate broadcast location, a cubicle at the Nakagin Capsule Tower Building. Tonight's program opens with a new song by electronic duo, Capsule.

Tonight's Tokyo Triple kicks out the jams commemorating electro-duo CAPSULE's new releases ... a special edition broadcast from Vin CYCLONE's hide-away micro-pad in landmark Nakagin Capsule Tower. Plus a great variety of masterful CYCLONE selections! Yes, he's still trying to get TT fave Lucie,Too on the program...stay tuned....

Feel free to send Tokyo Triple requests in the comments below or by email.

Find out what kind of sushi Vin and Chad had delivered from Ghin No Sara -- just listen to the complete POWER HOUR this episode was excerpted from.

Interested in joining the KILLERWATT's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

Artists heard on tonight's Tokyo Triple CAPSULE Edition:




Yua Yamauchi from niconicolovers, plus fans, enjoying okonomiyaki

Kiyoshiro Imawano (R) and Johnny Turnbull from The Blockheads

Kensei Ogata

Saturday, September 18, 2021

CYCLONE Sparks Simultaneous Eargasms Worldwide

Night time radio jockey Vin CYCLONE (L) in 1978 attending KLW's inaugural party for new hire, Dave WASTED (R).

Tonight, wee-hour radio jockey Vin CYCLONE gets you in sync with his musical immensity. We invite KILLERWATT listeners to participate in the premiere of Vin CYCLONE's Simultaneous Eargasm, a new feature. Test your musical perception! Hear if your eargasm lines-up with CYCLONE's open mic aural climax! Let him know how it went in the comments below.

Plus, the Tokyo Triple returns, so order-in your sushi from Ghin No Sara. Make it a listening party. Don't forget the sake.

Interested in joining the KILLERWATT's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

Feel free to send POWER HOUR and Tokyo Triple requests in the comments below or by email.