Saturday, February 8, 2025

NOEL Roars to the Air

NOEL at the Controls singing "1970" with Dinosaur Jr. at the Sound, Del Mar, CA; Karl Denson on sax.

NOEL's back at Signal Hill bringing all the right brunch action to Brooklyn's biggest station, the KILLERWATT. But this late morning, let's take Anthony Bourdain's advice. Stay home and make your own damn Irish breakfast ... forget brunch on the outside: a "horrible, cynical way of unloading leftovers and charging three times as much as you ordinarily charge for breakfast," said Bourdain.

So heat up your pan, brew coffee, pour drinks, crank up the KILLERWATT and hear real radio ... we all set here?

Click to listen.

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

#TheThirdPower #KennyAndTheKasuals #Brainbox #AliceCooper

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Saturday, January 25, 2025

CYCLONE Hand Delivers Spicy Sound

Vin CYCLONE ponders Kim's "prestigious, plainly visible and prominent features" outside of KLW underwriter, Mos Burger.

KILLERWATT Program Director and part time DJ of the wee, small hours is back. CYCLONE brings-in a bag of Mos Burgers, a crate of records, then sets about slathering the entire control room with special Mos-meat sauce, fresh tangy tomato salsa and spicy sounds. Grab a Hokkaido Cheese Brunch Burger and crank it. Skip the mocktail.

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

#TonyPowers #Strafe #beabadoobee #Rockets #Dominatrix #TheBlackbyrds

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