Thursday, January 28, 2021

Radio WASTED Rates a Blue Plate Special

Dave WASTED living the dream!

Spend your weekend with this guy. Plan on staying for brunch. Look who's gulping Bloody Marys ... it's The Krays, The Adverts, Butthole Surfers, DKs, The Stooges, Dinosaur Jr., Testors and Beechwood! And more...Scotch Eggs and four Excedrin, please, KLW's Blue Plate Special.   

The KILLERWATT thanks our sponsor, Elke Van Dyke Design: Elegant gifts made with an anti-conformist sentiment. 

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

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Saturday, January 16, 2021

Retro SCOTTSO's Thunder Rocks Down Under

KLW's Retro SCOTTSO, now heard worldwide, even in Kookaburra.

Retro SCOTTSO is now heard loud and clear in Australia! Thanks to KLW's Chief Engineer Sid Walker and Transmitter Specialist Chad Burger, the dead-jay's croaky gravitas now dominates the Aussie soundscape, even drowning out high decibel mating calls of the Common Bushtail Possum, formerly the most prominent ear-sore heard across Oceania. 

This week, Retro SCOTTSO lays down another spectacular triple-plus segment celebrating the station's penetration into Aussieland, "Thunder From Down Under." If three perfect cuts in a row is good, more should be better. So line 'em up, you old innkeeper of the airwaves! Cheers big ears, mate!

Retro SCOTTSO fan clubs are sprouting up in towns all over Oz reporting excellent signal strength and quality; but most gratifyingly, an appreciation for the depth (6 feet) of musical perspective only Retro SCOTTSO can provide.

Click the SoundCloud player above to listen and be impressed!

The KILLERWATT thanks our sponsor, Elke Van Dyke Design: Elegant gifts made with an anti-conformist sentiment. 

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

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Saturday, January 9, 2021

Doc POO's NSFW, So Why Work?

Dr. POO outside his old West Side sailor's haunt.

A hooded figure paddles up the Gowanus Canal,* shrouded by fog. His carbon fiber stealth-canoe creaks and strains under its dense cargo, barely afloat. The tiny boat's draft is indistinguishable from the viscous Superfund site's glossy surface. Movement is slow, no faster than clusters of sewage bobbing in unison as Doctor POO stoically navigates the lumpy green waterway. Repulsed but undaunted, Dr. P prudently shepherds his booty -- hundreds of records and CDs -- directly to KLW's wharf at Signal Hill Brooklyn.

That's right...legendary Creamy Fist magazine Editor/Publisher Dr. POO has just done for New York's polluted airwaves what chemical plants and solid waste have done to the Gowanus waterway. Made it worse! 

Hear The Dr. POO Show exclusively on the KILLERWATT. Click the SoundCloudplayer above!

*"The only body of water that is ninety percent guns," Johnathan Lethem, "Motherless Brooklyn," (Doubleday, 1999.)

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here. 

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