Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Roll Your Tongue, Then Gimme Some Plastic Love

Seiko Oomori feels the chip inside her body.

Vin CYCLONE's Tokyo Triple serves three or more Japanese platters like a meal at a tachigui standing-restaurant in Japan. You get what you came for. When you're done, you got a head start out the door. 

This week's Tokyo Triple features a brand new release from cutting-edge idol, Seiko Oomori, who says, "I'm falling so fast into the night, I want to feel all your shame...." Hear that, Otoku? There's hope! 

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

All the artists, in order of appearance:

Thee Michelle Gun Elephant (TMGE)



Seiko Oomori


Mariya Takeuchi

The Tokyo Triple is a feature of Vin CYCLONE's POWER HOUR on the KILLERWATT. 

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Monday, December 21, 2020

Retro SCOTTSO Thaws Frostbitten Cockles

Smokes 'n' scotch 'n' snow. And KLW. Your holiday nights need not be silent.

Christmas Eve, by the fire. But the night's not gonna be so silent. Drag out your vintage 1989 JVC RC-M90 boombox. Merrily pop-in the required 37 D cells. Flick the switch then top off your whisky tumbler. Crank it up. Retro SCOTTSO is your kinda Santa. Here's to us!

The show features a new flick review from KLW's time traveling reviewer, Mike Ford. Tonight, Mike barely escapes the clutches of Times Square's crazy preacher lady by ducking into the Automat, selecting a sando, then sneaking in the Loews through the out door to screen Dog Day Afternoon.

The KILLERWATT proudly welcomes our new sponsor, Elke Van Dyke Design. Visit their Bryant Park holiday shop for elegant gifts made with an anti-conformist sentiment. 

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

CYCLONE's Stash Satisfies Guilty Pleasures

KLW night-time disc jockey Vin CYCLONE trips while taking a selfie in front of the KILLERWATT's auxiliary transmitter site in Alpine New Jersey. in 2011. He was preparing to climb the tower to install a backup antenna system, however he stubbed his toe while taking the photo. KLW Engineer Chad Burger eventually made the climb.

The Power Hour satisfies seventy seven guilty pleasures per listener hour, according to recent Nielsen Audio (formerly Arbitron) ratings statistics. No wonder. Vin CYCLONE's cache of physical musical ear candy packs the penthouse loft of Tokyo's Mori Tower solid. Sure, it would digitize nicely onto a thumb drive, but you need something to impress the kids. Every single wee-hour coffee break, night-time disc jockey CYCLONE browses the stash and instinctively grabs something that makes the next segue super brill. He prefers to call his musical selection process "destiny," rather than attributing it to forethought and sober planning.

A brand new Tokyo Triple features prominently in tonight's broadcast. Featured artists include: Thee Michelle Gun Elephant, ROSSO, BAND-MAID, Seiko Oomori, and Mariya Takeuchi. A musical gourmand could only say, "Itedakimasu!"

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here. 

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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Retro SCOTTSO Back for Seconds

Retro SCOTTSO and a friend named Glen.... broadcasting from their comfort zone.

He curates the finest rock archive on both sides of the veil. KLW celebrity Dead-J Retro SCOTTSO returns to stuff yer cornucopia chock full o' Hookey Dookie. And music. Feel free to email him with requests, live-threats and questions about etiquette in a post-radio world:

But wait, there's more! The KILLERWATT's Time Traveling Movie Reviewer returns from bygone eras to make you remember fliks like you actually saw them in a theater, seated in the smoking section. This week, Mike emerges from a dumpster in the alley next to a theater near you and screens Midnight Cowboy. Don't tie up your landline, Mike Ford's review is coming-in direct from the Loews' lobby phone booth.

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

KLW's Mike Ford contemplates the power of flik.

Friday, November 6, 2020

WASTED Smokes Airwaves, BBQs Studio Speakers

Ne'er-do-well Dave WASTED mugging at the charred KLW microphone for a recent publicity shot.

KILLERWATT Super-Jockey WASTED's Rampage:

After completing his airshift, Dave WASTED exited KLW's fabled Brooklyn studios on Signal Hill and placed an anonymous call to Chief Engineer Sid Walker: "First off, the big speakers got a bit buzzy, then they went out on permanent smoko," said the poorly disguised voice on the phone, according to Walker, who arrived to witness smoke pouring from the transmitter shed and the charred remains of loudspeakers in Control Room A.

Apparently, WASTED's own musical selections stirred the debonair super-jockey to crank-up KLW's big volume knob beyond reason. Yet, as the smoke rose in Brooklyn, that very broadcast was being taped by an Icelandic fan listening-in on his mom's Grundig console radio. Kristján Gunnarsson recorded the program on open-reel tape which he lovingly packed, then mailed to the station as an aircheck, a proof of reception, and the KILLERWATT offers you a faithful transcription of that actual sound recording here, to tickle your twittering eardrums. Use the Soundcloud player above.

Walker, leading KLW's Engineering Department, quickly substituted Control Room A's toasted Altec Voice of the Theater sound monitors with a stack of fresh industrial strength Klipsch horn speakers. "When I entered the hazy, smoke filled room," says Walker, "My eyes started to tear and I can only describe the smell as burning weasel fur."

The KILLERWATT's transmitter shed on Signal Hill, Brooklyn, still functional. Inset: KLW's Engineering Dept. now hangs brisket inside.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Heeeee's Baaaaack and He's on the KILLERWATT

KLW's mad radio-scientists at  have brought back a New York City radio legend -- from the crypt’s acoustical paradise. Retro SCOTTSO may be croaked, but he’s still croaking -- exclusively -- on the KILLERWATT.

The air check also features a new segment: Mike Ford’s Time Traveling Movie Reviewer (TTMR.) Tonight, Mike travels back to Times Square in the '70s for another screening of Taxi Driver.
Grab a scotch in one hand and a fistful of candy corn in the other. Turn out the lights. Don't fear that bump in the night. It's just your upstairs neighbors doing the hookey dookie. 

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

The POWER HOUR Blasts Fully Blown

Vin CYCLONE heads for the broadcast microphonium

The POWER HOUR, KLW's overnight cavalcade of subliminal messages, comes with a guarantee: Your head will explode. Expect a sonic wedgie, too. What, more? You also get Vin CYCLONE's uncle's band, Cold Warrior phones-in from the Bronx, The Tokyo Triple, and stories of debauchery while clamoring through old New York night clubs.

We have more big news: Our resident announcer Bobby Roberto is at the mic in full-effect. We dig. Photo forthcoming.

For your discerning ear-sockets: A brand new aircheck of the first full length POWER HOUR, pulled from the ionosphere between the hours of 1-3AM, Nippon time. You're flyin' the overnight with Vin CYCLONE. 

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here. 

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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Tokyo Triple Ichiban Plus Bonus

Tokyo Triple ichiban has surfaced ominously like Gojira from Tokyo Bay! Here it is, spliced out from Vin CYCLONE's POWER HOUR while the heart's still beating -- using tamahagane razor blades, presented on a cypress sushi board for your consumption, of course. Hai! Dozo!

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

The groups in order of appearance:
Indigo La End

Bonus: Lucy,Too

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

So That's How the Sausage Is Made

Gulf & Western Bldg., Conflamed-Media Global's HQ, where the KILLERWATT was born.
Inset: Rashmusher greets his magnificent night jockey.

Meet Mr. Rashmusher, CEO of Conflamed-Media Global -- a radio station megalopoly, parent company of the KILLERWATT. This morning at precisely 9AM, night-time radio-jockey Vin CYCLONE enters that singular top floor corner office pitching a new feature, the TOKYO TRIPLE. "Three or more Japanese platters I partake...," CYCLONE may get no further. Mr. Rashmusher has little time for complete sentences. Hopefully, Japanophiles will finally have their musical psycho-sexual obsession satisfied from a station worth getting all otaku about. Three or more Japanese tunes in a row! Will Mr. Rashmusher bite? And what about his prostate? KLW revival film reviewer -- and time traveler -- Mike Ford is Rashmusher...give a listen.

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

KLW's Power Hour Punches Thru the Night

Cold War radio station WN2UXO's Morse signal blasting thru the night sky.

That's Vin CYCLONE circa early '70s, at a different radio station, pounding out Morse and saving America from the Russian Woodpecker. CYCLONE's currently working on a new radio obsession, KLW the KILLERWATT. And best believe, ears everywhere will be saved from today's existential menace, "fake-radio." Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music and iHeart; among others. Here's a sneak preview. A very late-night aircheck of “Vin CYCLONE's Power Hour,” intercepted just after it bounced off the ionosphere:

A great voice and man, John "Johnzo" Blevins

We're still boosting the KILLERWATT's power, trimming antennas, testing tubes and staffing the station. So we're not public yet. We were set back emotionally and also in terms of timeline when KLW's resident announcer and good friend John “Johnzo” Blevins passed away. He signed-on to do all the station ID and branding voice elements. Very important for the sound of the station.

Pressing on, CYCLONE broadcasts from his custom-built penthouse radio control room,  high atop Tokyo's Mori Tower. Alone in the rarefied air, looking across the city toward Skytree tower, he wonders if the KILLERWATT radio family can live up to Johnzo's excellence. "I press the cart machine's illuminated button to play a station ID, and it's strange to hear my own voice come back in the cans, substituted for big John's. I did what I could. Some I quite like, but there will never be a replacement for Johnzo," said CYCLONE. The streaming Soundcloud player above gets you a one hour aircheck of Power Hour, a two hour show. Consider it a test run. And don't take Vin CYCLONE's Power Hour as representative of KLW's total sound. It isn't. It's essential Vin CYCLONE...at 2 or 3 AM, smokin' and drinkin'. KLW's other radio jockeys will bring their own special stickiness. Play it loud on your HiFi while making cocktails this weekend.

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

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Friday, May 15, 2020

KLW's RadioWasted Roars From Rusty Fire Escape

KLW's Dave WASTED maintaining proper, civilized wine stem etiquette amid Corona distractions.
Be happy. Liquor stores are open. Delivery is guilt-free. Alcohol disinfects.
In our B-movie sci-fi flick existence, where mere bandanas protect against invisible killers from Andromeda, these comforts are crucial. But one thing was missing: KLW the KILLERWATT.

Thanks to KILLERWATT jockey Dave WASTED for making a sneak preview aircheck available. The lives of New Yorkers as well as all locked-up radio connoisseurs around the globe are suddenly more complete. Booze, cold food in delivery tins, Lysol and KLW. Have a good weekend. And hold it together!

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Old Incriminating Diner Tapes Uncovered

All things are planned in a diner. The good. The bad. The KILLERWATT.
"Cherokee Diner" is an audio typo. Need coffee.

Station build is ongoing.

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

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