Sunday, November 28, 2021

NOEL Opens New York Rock Floodgates

NOEL at the Controls emanating from the region known as the Gowanus Canal Superfund site on Signal Hill, Brooklyn...New York City.

Heavy, viscous, metal-laden waters creep through the Gowanus Canal, slowly rounding the KILLERWATT's historic transmitter site on Signal Hill. We don't mind at all. Chief Engineer Sid Walker puts it this way, "The highly conductive, liquid-metallic waterway acts like a reflector, helping launch KLW's 50,000 watts of power far afield. It's just a matter of physics." 

NOEL at the Controls takes full advantage of New York City's lax stance on industrial pollution. He's radiating a coal powered, chromium plated, tungsten fired broadcast ... tonight, featuring songs from the carcinogenic Concrete Jungle we call home, N-Y-C. How'ya'doin'?!

Send requests to Noel in the comments below.

Interested in joining the KILLERWATT's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

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  1. That was Sorry by the Waldos not Crazy Little Baby ,great band play some Joey Pinter the other guitar you hear on Rent Party he's still alive .

  2. It was too late to change it once we realized what happened. I don’t have any of Joeys music. I’ll look for it! I’ve known Joey for years. Great guy.
