Saturday, January 20, 2024

SCOTTSO Kisses the Wrong Microphone

SCOTTSO inspects KLW's antenna farm on snowy Signal Hill, Brooklyn. Photo by Fitz.

SCOTTSO caught a touch of COVID from kissing the wrong microphone. But you can't keep an old jock down. To wit, he's pictured roaming KLW's snowy antenna range in long johns and a passé mask. How KILLERWATT Engineer Ed "Fitz" Fitzgerald kept a grip on SCOTTSO's cocktail, his own, plus KLW's Rolleiflex camera ... in frigid conditions ... well, let's just say our old school Engineering department knows how to juggle big transmitters and half-in-the-bag talent. The Professor was safely returned to SCOTTSO Memorial Studio A and is ready to spin. Sure, he sounds EXTRA croaky, but that never stopped him before. Plus an all new Things From Indie. Click and play.

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