Monday, March 4, 2024

SCOTTSO's Rocks-Glass Rules

Retro SCOTTSO's Things From Indie.

Rumor's abound. "Things From Indie," Retro SCOTTSO's showcase of up and coming talent, used to be called something else back in the early days of FM. Really? We queried the Professor. Is there truth in all the nerdly background chatter burbling through internet forums? Was there an earlier title for his popular programming segment? And does FM really stand for Fermentationem Maxumus? He replied to the latter without hesitation, in his characteristic gravel-tone: "In some circles, yes, the Latin, referring to the peak fermentation of grain mash used in the distillation of whiskey." Well, the editorial staff of this blog were taken aback. Then, before we could formulate a follow-up question, even before the clink of an ice cube in SCOTTSO's crystal rocks-glass, he added: "Now cut yer 'hookey dookey' on the job.... We got great music to feature on Things From Indie!"

Indeed! Ignore the rumor mill. Click and get hip.

Check out the complete Retro SCOTTSO program this edition of Things From Indie was excerpted from.

Indie bands should contact Retro SCOTTSO here.

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

#Embarazada #MyLittleEye #KristiJacques #CamGAndTheTastySoul 

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