Thursday, April 18, 2024


The remains of KLW's studio on E. 31st St. in Manhattan one day after the Great Blackout and riots of 1977.

One take on our coverage.
Aircheck tapes of KLW have surfaced made by a listener from Battle Creek, Michigan on July 13, 1977, "The Blackout of 1977." The radio hobbyist's recording* documents the KILLERWATT cobbling together an emergency studio at the generator powered transmitter site on Signal Hill, Brooklyn. The station's Manhattan studio (pictured above) was looted then set afire. To this day, both studio and transmitter sites have remained on the tiny islet in the widest section of the Gowanus Canal: "Signal Hill." Hear the first three installments of "The BLACKOUT TAPES" in succession, including commentary from KLW notables.
*The quality of the audio reflects the off-the-air nature of the recording, that is, a consumer tape recorder's microphone placed in front of a 1960s vintage tube-type Zenith kitchen radio. Also note the recordist was 685 miles away from Signal Hill, Brooklyn, hearing the KILLERWATT's 50,000 watt AM signal via night-time "skip," or "skywave."

The Staff and Others (in order of appearance)

Vin CYCLONE: KLW Program Director (then DJ)
Retro SCOTTSO: Legendary DJ
Bobby ROBERTO: Voice of the KILLERWATT (then DJ, too)
NOEL at the Controls: (Rocking then and now)
Sid Walker: KILLERWATT Chief Engineer
Chad Burger:
Transmitter Engineer
Harold Rashmusher Jr.: Conflamed Media Global CEO
Harold's "Prostrate": (Rocking then and now)
The Pimp
Cop #1
Cop #2

(First published © ℗ 2021/Tese/KILLERWATT).

Interested in joining KLW's cracked team of radio fanatics? Info here.

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